HEEYYY guys, today... yeah i know... i'm so busy with the school, so i don't have time to create
anything but now... in this holiday of Easter i started to create this f*cking awesome outfit!
I did it based on an outfit, that I saw an one clip of a singer, that's amazing! Juliana Helped me with the Fit morph, so Thanks Juh!! So... Happy Easter! I love u!
4 Áreas Coloráveis - 4 Recolorable Areas
Feminino - Female
Jovem Adulto/Adulto - Young Adult/Adult
Compatível com jogo Base - Base Game Compatible
Sims 3 Pack & Package
•Don't modify my creations without permission! You can send me a e-mail here.
•And please don't re-upload my creations.
•And please don't re-upload my creations.